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production + postproduction

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 14-15-49 Preliminary Task.png

By Meral Zahid

A series of unfortunate events (shooting)

Meral got shots using her somewhat broken tripod and my phone (which to this day I still have no idea how to use). Spoiler alert: we all chose to discard that setup because the static shots were not exactly award-winning.  But she saved the day with some amazing close-ups and a smooth pull-back when Rija came out from the ''school''. And let's not forget the joy of dealing with our ever-helpful juniors who seemed to have a magnetic attraction to walking right into our shots. Trying to shoo them away was a workout in itself. Zahra and I probably burned more calories shoo-ing students than we did actually filming. Classic. 

After first half of our day, we finally escaped back home to change for the grand finale— the farewell. 

Of course, we all came back, to get done with the remainder of our little escapade. And, let's not forget the delightful death glares from my oh-so-patient friends, who clearly thought we were staging a marathon instead of wrapping up a shoot. Because clearly, rushing art is just a travesty, right?

don't kill me for the wonderful picture quality. lol


Right (me - producer), Center (Rija - actress), Center (Meral - Videographer/Director/Editor), Left (Zahra - Director)



Flower bangles, locally known as "gajray," hold a significant place in the cultural part of Pakistan, particularly during fancy events and celebrations. These vibrant and fragrant accessories add a touch of tradition and elegance to various occasions.

The tradition of adorning oneself with flower jewelry, including flower bangles, has deep roots in Pakistani culture. This practice is not only aesthetically pleasing but also deeply symbolic. Flowers, being ephemeral yet beautiful, represent the transient nature of life and the importance of embracing moments of joy and celebration.

In Pakistan, events such as weddings, Mehndi ceremonies, and other celebratory occasions serve as a perfect canvas for the display of flower bangles. The use of these floral accessories is not only an aesthetic choice but also a cultural norm that signifies the auspiciousness and festivity of the event. The vibrant colors and fragrances of the flowers enhance the overall atmosphere, creating a visually stunning and culturally rich environment.

The cultural symbolism associated with flower bangles adds depth to their significance. Flowers are often considered a symbol of beauty, prosperity, and purity in Pakistani culture.

The variety of flowers used in crafting gajray often reflects the regional flora and personal preferences. Different regions of Pakistan have their own unique styles and variations of flower bangles, contributing to the rich tapestry of cultural diversity within the country. This customization allows individuals to infuse their personal touch into the traditional accessory, making it a dynamic representation of identity and cultural heritage.


The dholak, a traditional percussion instrument, it has deep cultural roots in Pakistan, serving as significant elements in the country's musical heritage.

The origins of the dholak can be traced back to the rich historical tapestry of South Asia. This percussion instrument has a lineage that spans centuries, evolving alongside the diverse cultural and musical traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Over time, they became integral components of folk and classical music, with distinct variations emerging in different regions.

These instruments are commonly associated with celebratory occasions, cultural festivals, and various forms of traditional music and dance. Their distinctive beats and rhythmic patterns contribute to the creation of an immersive and vibrant sonic atmosphere.

The dholak is deeply intertwined with Pakistan's folk and Sufi music traditions. These instruments are often featured in qawwali performances, Sufi music gatherings, and various folk music genres. 

In a rapidly changing world, the dholak  serves as a guardian of cultural heritage. Through its continued presence in musical compositions and performances, this instrument carries forward the stories, rhythms, and emotions of Pakistan's past. It"s inclusion in the film not only pays homage to tradition but also ensures that people  remain connected to their cultural roots.



In context to the story, where she navigates between the mundane school life and an imaginative world, we thought it would be a good idea to choose a grey-ish outfit for the former and black for the latter as it will represent the character's journey and the contrasting environment.

Grey, often associated with neutrality and monotony, reflects the routine and lack of vibrancy that characterizes the school setting. The choice of white further reinforces the simplicity and uniformity of this environment. These muted tones contribute to the visual representation of the protagonist's boredom and disengagement with her everyday surroundings. The deliberate lack of color mirrors the lackluster nature of her routine, emphasizing the desire for something more.

In stark contrast to the subdued palette of the school setting, the character will wear black when transported to her imaginary world. Black, a color often associated with mystery, sophistication, and rebellion, serves as a visual marker for the fantastical and dynamic nature of her imaginative escape. Amidst the other bright colors that populate this world, the black outfit symbolizes the protagonist's desire to stand out, to be different, and to assert her individuality.


Choosing the right setting for the film is a critical decision that significantly influences the narrative and overall impact of the story. I believe Several factors contribute to the appropriateness of this location for the film.

Firstly, the school setting will provide a familiar and relatable backdrop for the audience. School is a universal experience, and viewers can easily connect with the protagonist's feelings of boredom and frustration within the school environment (me rn). By capturing the contrast between the mundane school routine and the magical escape that will follow, the film taps into the shared experiences of the audience, enhancing the relatability of the narrative (yes, I can totally relate).
Lucky for us the previous batch’s farewell is coming up so we have decided to use that as it will add an extra layer of visual richness and aesthetic appeal to the shots and we can also put a touch of our culture in it. The decorations, fancy outfits and the overall glamorous atmosphere aligns with the escapism theme of the story, as the contrast between the mundane school life and the fanciful event will visually underscore the girl’s shift into her imaginative world. The opulence of the event serves as a visual metaphor for the transformative power of imagination, mirroring how music can transport people from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Moreover, the choice of the school setting allows for practical advantages in terms of resources and accessibility. Filming at the school during an event provides a ready-made and visually interesting location without the need for elaborate set design or extensive location scouting. (truly grateful for that)

The hall was going to be the place the scene transitions into as it is decorated with fairy lights, the only place in school that's not boring. But luckily the farewell was around so we used that.

Story Board

Going from Horror to Thrillers, but every story we came up with ended having too many cliches which we did not want and our teacher threatening (he didn’t, I’m dramatic) that our grades depended on it. What better way than to support your own delusions ? Mostly, inspired by Little woman and Pride and Prejudice. Meral came up with an idea, which we proceeded on with. 
The girl comes out of school very tired and bored but as soon as she puts music on, she is now in another world, a place where she is happy. The main theme behind it is, how music distracts us from reality. (I joined their team late so i don’t have much knowledge about this but I asked Meral how they came up with it and this is what she said).

Colour Symbolism Storyboard in WhiteYellow Simple Style .png

Six minutes excercise

Our teacher made us do an activity, after ages of trying to coordinate our schedules, in which we were divided into three teams. Each of the teams were given three pieces of paper each; an object, place and occupation. Out of these we had to create a film opening in six minutes, as suggested by the name. 

Our team’s object was a USB drive, the place was an abandoned building, and the occupation was a DJ.

Our story started off with the camera following a person as they enter the building. The viewers see flashing lights and loud party music is playing over speakers as the camera pans over showing everyone dancing.


The camera is then directed towards the DJ who was in a state of confusion as there was an additional USB drive even though he only brought one with him.He was being rushed by his fellows so he randomly elected a USB drive and plugged it in. A video started to play on a projector screen. The music slowly fades out as the audience hears the people gasp. The camera shows the DJ’s facial expression change to a shocked state as he looks at the video playing on the projector screen and then the USB drive. The camera then slowly zooms out from the DJ and the viewers are able to see the video playing behind him which is a murder scene. The video seemed to be of the very building they were all present in. The screen then goes blank, ending the opening scene.

Noor's AS Media blog

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