A Series of unfortunate events (shooting)
Meral got shots using her somewhat broken tripod and my phone (which to this day I still have no idea how to use). Spoiler alert: we all chose to discard that setup because the static shots were not exactly award-winning. But she saved the day with some amazing close-ups and a smooth pull-back when Rija came out from the ''school''. And let's not forget the joy of dealing with our ever-helpful juniors who seemed to have a magnetic attraction to walking right into our shots. Trying to shoo them away was a workout in itself. Zahra and I probably burned more calories shoo-ing students than we did actually filming. Classic.
After first half of our day, we finally escaped back home to change for the grand finale— the farewell.
Of course, we all came back, to get done with the remainder of our little escapade. And, let's not forget the delightful death glares from my oh-so-patient friends, who clearly thought we were staging a marathon instead of wrapping up a shoot. Because clearly, rushing art is just a travesty, right?
don't kill me for the wonderful picture quality lol

Right (me - producer), Center (Rija - actress), Center (Meral - Videographer/Director/Editor), Left (Zahra - Director)