9 Frame Analysis - Malignant

The first shot of the film sets a certain mood as the colours explain; dark, etc.
The lighting is dark; natural lights.
The cloudy atmosphere and the trees surrounding the building suggest this to be a lonely place. The Time is set in 1993 as stated on the screen and the building is supposedly a hospital.

(Medium closeup shot)-Dr Florence is sitting in what seems to be her office recording a video. The main lighting is from the lamps on bright on dr Florence and a light yellowish light glows back on a trophy indicating it to have some sort of importance in the film as the rest of the bookshelf behind is dark. The lights flicker slightly showing discomfort on the doctors’ face.

(Knee level shot)-The doctor along with a man are walking through a hallway- they seem to be in a hurry with the broad position and hands moving back and forth as if preparing one to run. The man’s uniform indicates him as a guard. He’s holding a bag in his hand. Soft tones of blue and green are used for the lighting - these colours are often painted in hospitals to give the patients a calm feeling.

(Closeup shot)-the doctor seems to be in a panicking state. Her hands are brought up to her face in a form of protection.

(Low angle shot)- The lighting is dark in the background indicating danger. The darkness could also mean death as it is a hospital and black reflects death. Who seems to be another doctor is talking. Both the doctors still seem panicked by their facial expressions.

The centre of the scene is illuminated the rest still being dark. A person is thrown out of one of the rooms which is darker as compared to the outside. The doctors and a nurse standing seem to be in a shocked state after encountering the events.

The guard takes a tranquilliser gun out of his bag ready to take whatever it is down.

(Close up shot)-As doctor Florence tries to enter the room seemingly to calm her patient down, the nurse steps in stopping her in doing so. This increases curiosity as how bad of a danger could it be
The lighting falls hard on the nurse’s face to show an expression of horror on her face.

(Extreme closeup shot)The lighting is bright here blurring the nurse in the background showing that doctor Florence is the authority figure here as she yells to the guard to ‘’take him down!’’ Him being the person who’s creating all this mess.